Thank you for considering Nasson Health Care as your primary care provider. We are committed to your overall health care and would like to ensure your onboarding process is as easy and efficient as possible. The following is a three-step process to successfully register as a new patient as get your first appointment scheduled.
Throughout the process, if you need assistance, one of our Patient Services Representatives is eager to help you. Call us at: (207) 490-6900.
We have same day medical appointments available (most days) and Walk-In Emergency Dental Care is available. If you are experiencing a medical emergency – please dial 911.
Step 1: Download and Print Forms
New Patient Packet
Download a copy of our new patient packet. Please have personal information such as name, date of birth, social security number, as well as health insurance information, household income, and emergency contact ready before completing the registration.
Note: If you are unable to print the needed forms, please contact us and we will mail you a copy.

Step 2: Fill out and return the forms
Once you have completed the needed forms, please return them.
Mail/Deliver: Nasson Health Care | 15 Oak Street | Springvale, ME 04083
Fax: (207) 459-2822

Step 3: Make an Appointment
Once we have received your new patient packet, we will call you within 3-5 business days of receiving your packet. You can also call us directly once you mailed your packet to make an appointment: (207) 490-6900
Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment and bring the following item with you to your first visit:
- Photo ID
- Insurance card (if you have one)
- Co-pay (we accept cash, checks and credit cards)